HOUSE BEAUTIFUL | 5 tweaks for a happy home

Is a happy home the secret to a happy life? The answer is yes, according to a new study. The GoodHome Report found 73% of people who are content with their home are also content in life. The new study, commissioned by B&Q and Kingfisher in partnership with the Happiness Research Institute, looks at how our homes can shape our mood and influence our overall wellness. So take control and try these ideas to turn your house into a sanctuary of happiness.


Re-arrange your space

Re-arrange your space

Bringing a little zen to your home doesn’t mean breaking the bank; a simple shuffle of your furniture can make a big difference. Instead of making a large coffee table (which often ends up overflowing with clutter) the focal point of your living room, move it to the side to create a greater sense of space. Replacing it with a statement rug will instantly create a sense of cosiness. Another quick shift is hanging a mirror opposite a window to reflect the outside world to allow for a lighter, seemingly bigger space.

Invite people in

Invite people in

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of satisfaction from creating a warm and welcoming home that people love to spend time in. Not only are close connections key to our wellbeing, but they encourage pride in our homes. The GoodHome Report reveals that our homes are happier when we invite people to share them with us so whether you light beautifully smelling candles or fill your space with fresh flowers before guests arrive, just small touches will have your friends coming back for more.