
STYLIST | How to build a summer capsule wardrobe

As temperatures rise and humidity sets in, it can be a tricky balance to stay cool and look it, too. It’s exactly the conundrum that capsule collections were made for. Arm yourself with an adaptable range of items that won’t cause you to overheat and they’ll become pillars of your wardrobe.  Re-wear them, remix them, add a statement piece, and just like that, getting dressed in the morning got a whole lot easier.

The print dress

The print dress

Single-item outfits are what us Brits rely on all summer long and you can’t go wrong with a throw-it-on dress. Whether you’re heading for tropical climes or staying put in an air-con office, pull on a perky print (we’re loving OTT florals, stripes and polka dots), while statement puffed sleeves will ensure you nail 2019’s silhouette.

The white shirt

The white shirt

Elizabeth Taylor once proclaimed that “every woman should have a great white shirt in her wardrobe” and her words still ring true in 2019. Smart enough for the office, but casual enough for the weekend, a white shirt is fresh, sophisticated and a little bit French. Interpret the style staple your way by dressing it up with a full skirt, wearing it as a beach cover-up, or tying it at the waist with high-rise jeans and heels. The options really are limitless.

The hoop earrings

The hoop earrings

On an eternal quest to find the perfect gold hoops? We feel you. This is one accessory that will never go out of style, especially as the options have never been so plentiful and chic. What makes hoop earrings so mighty are their ability to add impact without effort, dressing up your outfit thanks to a flash of gold. Invest in a quality pair now and you’ll love them not just all summer, but forever.